Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą tk17. Pokaż wszystkie posty
Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą tk17. Pokaż wszystkie posty

środa, 13 listopada 2013

The Klub 17 V7.5.0.0 - released

W wersji 7.5 (ujrzymy kilkanaście licznych następujących zmian w stosunku do 7,4);

- Dodano wiele nowych strojów.
- Dodano nową króliczą Bunny maskę i Fox maskę, kapelusz.
- Dodano 8 modyfikowalnych nowych pończoch (patrz uwaga).
- Wszystkie nowe pończochy mogą być stosowane na wszystkich płciach.
- Dodano 10 naszyjników.
- Dodano 2 dodatkowe smocze Suknie (Dłuższe hem | oraz wersje z kołnierzem).
- Dodano 2 warianty mokrych majtek xd (slave Panty).
- Wymiana Strapon (Mesh, zazębienie kształtu głowy w Wyższej rozdzielczości).
- Separacja spódnicy od kocich spodni.
- Odrębne top kategorie; 2 sekcje, bluzki i sukienki.
- Utworzono kocie kółeczko. (średniowieczna korona przeniesiona do niego, a także 2 nowe Obręcze).
- Dodano peleryny, ogony, Zpenis, czapkę na narządy i kocie legginsy.
- Dodano inne kocie Pończochy. (można pójść na regularne zarybianie hm).
- Dodano Pończochy na palcach jako opcję.
- Dodano Old Kill Bill koci kombinezon . (Brak Wyścigu, Race).
- Dodano 7 innych kocich catsuit. (bez butów , tłuszczu, Goleni , bez ciała).
- Dodano tylko jeden palec ślubny rękawicy i opcje rękawicy.
- Dodano bondage opcję.
- Zaktualizowano teksturę golfową i napięcie spodni.
- Top Fetish ukrywa biustonosz zamiast usuwania go.
- Kapelusz na fetysz, spódnice, pas do pończoch i większość kobiecych majtek można stosować na mężczyznach.
- Casual bokserki krótkie, ochraniacze ramion i rymarskie fox mogą być stosowane na kobietach.
- Mans przypadki i średniowieczne spodnie mogą być używane na Kocie Shemales.
- Buty | buty nie usuwają nakrycia palców.
- Pas do pończoch może być używany ze spódnicą i lekarzem.
- Spódnica Psychologa nie usuwa penisa na Shemale.
- Top kapelusz i kapelusz zakonnicy nie jest depilowany automatycznie.
- Brak opcji włosów również usuwając peruki.
- Kapelusze nie usuwają peruk (for modding), należy użyć zamiast tego opcji Brak włosów.
- Strój diabła jest również kocią spódnicą.
- Ręcznik przeniósł się do kociego gorsetu.
- Przeniesiono Fetish obroży na szyję z kota.
- Dodano wiele nowych ikon w konfiguratorze sukni.

- Dodano 6 kolczyków.
- Dodano wiele nowych nos acc. cat.

- Aktualizacja dodaje znak piękności oraz centrum podbródka.

- Dodano kocie peruki.
- Dodano wiele nowych fryzur.
- Dodano 3 ustawienia rogów.
- Dodano intymną intensywność włosów.
- Dodano opcję 3D włosków płciowych.
- Dodano Julii skórę twarzy Herz.
- Dodano nowe zęby dla wszystkich płci (kły , króliczek etc).
- Aktualizacja zębów normalnie, bezzębna (wszystkie nowe zęby są w 3D).
- Dodano predefiniowany kolor skóry.
- Dodano nowe linie tan dla Kobiet.
- Przywracanie tan linii dla mężczyzn.
- Wszystkie tan linie są dostępne dla wszystkich płci.
- Dodano tan linie do aktywnych modyfikacji (mod).
- Odseparowano piersi ustawione od numeru ciała (przeniesiono suwaki obok piersi).
- Wydatkowanie piersi zaprogramowane do 10 ustawień.
- Ustawienia piersi mają wpływ na wszystkie 19 suwaków piersi.
- Dodano przywracanie ikon pozycji włosów.
- Dodano nowe włosy łonowe dla mężczyzn|Shemales.
- Dodano opcję niewidkę "starego catsuit ".

- Dodano wiele nowych tatuaży we wszystkich kotach.
- Wszystkie nowe tatuaże mogą być używane na wszystkich płciach.
- Dodano 3 tatuaże twarzy kota. (cheek L|R , czoło), obok wizerunku tatuażu.
- Odseparowano spandex twarzy i tatuaż twarzy (mogą być stosowane razem).
- Dodano Goleń maską (cat mask elastan - kocią elastyczną maskę, sekcję tatuażu).

- Dodano wiele nowych modeli (Fenfang, Rebecca, Nilla, Jaqueline, etc).
- Aktualizacje Julii modelu Herz z odpowiednim głosem domyślnym.

- Dodano news room, kawiarnie, Back Alley, domek narciarski i pokój Tentacle.
- Przywracanie dźwięku tła/Muzyka na Tentacle, Hangar oraz pokoje świątyni.
- Przywrócone intro Tentacle i pokoje hangaru.
- Zaktualizowano tekstury robota (TK17).
- Wykonany BG customizer w bardziej naturalny sposób.
- Nowy mod label, pokój dla sypialni, kopuła z bólu, pokój dzienny, sala tronowa,
Łaźnia Hentai, ogród Hentai, biuro (lighmap) będą zgodne z oficjalną wersją).

- Dodano Kobieco angielski z hiszpańskim akcentem głosowym.
- Dodano Kobieco angielski z rosyjskim akcentem głosowym.
- Dodano Kobieco portugalski głos 1 ,2 i 3.
- Dodano Julia Herz głos (niemiecki).
- Dodano głos makayla.
- Dodano ZModyfikowany Kobiecy głos angielski od 1 do 6.
- Dodano ZModyfikowany Kobiecy głos bez słowa.

- Dodano wiele nowych zabawek (Chocolate, probówka, whip2, paddle2, trzepak z dywanem i podeszwę buta, etc).
- Leach może być stosowany na wszystkich pokojach teraz (z narzędziami).
- Zabawki teraz mogą być stosowane do wszystkich miejsc w grze , dla wszystkich stref.
- Piersi po lewej stronie i prawej mogą być teraz używane z językiem, zabawką.
- Dodano dwie nowe strefy: łechtaczki i klatki piersiowej.

- Bezwładność na tyłek i brzuch. (Niesamowite! Zaczerpnięte z piersi zapewne xd) - 12 Sektorów pozycji.
- Aktualizacje plików ciała za mniejsze przycinanie ubrania (Kobieta i Transseksualiści).
- Aktualizacja EXE przez WR dla zmniejszenia awarii podczas ładowania modeli.
- Nowy format WR jp2 - codec, poprawiający szybkość gry ładowania o 10%.
- Dodano więcej emocji w postawione.
- Dwukrotnie większy maksymalny rozmiar otwarcia ust w postawie.
- Lina jest dostępna w odpowiednim menu (4).
- Opcje|narzędzia od v6.3 w instalatorze.
- Usunięto odwołanie do oficjalnej gry (nazwy plików, screenshot, etc co oznacza, że nowy projekt zbliża się konkretnymi krokami xd Będzie coraz bardziej interesująco xd).

Poprawione błędy:
- Naprawiono błąd z kostką tatuażu nad kolanem i uda w wysokich butach.
- Naprawiono błąd z pętlą fartucha, kapeluszem czarownicy, króliczka i fox okap czynnego moda.
- Naprawiono błąd z brakującą pływającą Leach w pokoju tentacle room.
- Naprawiono błąd z wielkim pierścieniem sutka nie zmieniając jego koloru.
- Dodano brakujące etykiety na jednej z casual dress i uszów królika.

Nie jest to błąd z zabawką i czekoladą probówki, ponieważ nie wykazują płynu na ciało.
Ze względu na starszy silnik, wszystkie modyfikowalne części ciała i magazynowe mogą być dodawane w folderze activemod tylko (no sub folder), w związku z tym tylko 1 mod pozycja każdego z nich może być dodany ( tj. 8 zmodyfikowanych pończoch).
Nazwy plików do pończoch mod to; F_Stockings01 , F_StockingsFeet01 (do 08).
To jest samodzielna gra więc wymaga od nowa zainstalowania plików (nie aktualizacja do 7.4),
co oznacza, że musi być zainstalowany w innym folderze niż v7.4.
Wystarczy uruchomić plik wykonywalny do zainstalowania.
Po tym można użyć TK17 zawartości poprzez Importer.exe , przenieść zawartość z v7.4.
Użyj TK17 Opcji Manager.exe wybierając opcjonalne mody (z wyjątkiem wielkości Giant | mini, będzie jednak to rozpatrywane oddzielnie).
Nie należy używać żadnych dodatków z v7.4 gdyż to nie będzie działać, lub będzie powodować problemy.
Większość z poprzednich dodatków zostały włączone lub też jeśli jest taki, który nie jest dostępny,
daj im znać, a będzie albo włączony albo utworzony opcjonalnie dla wersji 7.5.
To było ponad rok w zakresie wytwarzania,
i chcę wykorzystać tę chwilę, aby dać dużo Specjalnego podziękowania dla mojego zespołu,
i wszyscy na forum społeczności gdyż przedstawiają pracę zespołową,
i zostało to wykonane z wkładów wszystkich tutaj,
albo funkcji i | lub testowanych.
Więc jeśli chcesz dać kredyt, daj go do zespołu Team tk17.
Dziękują za przeczytanie i zrozumienie.

THE KLUB 17 V7.5.0.1

Important; Required TK17 V7.5.0.
- Zaktualizowano ekran startowy.
- Dodano opcję obcinania ciała (manager opcja).
- Dodano opcję sutków, nie w stroju customizer.
- Naprawiono błąd z modelem ikon w konflikcie z kilkoma ikonami ciała (patrz uwaga)

team tk17

poniedziałek, 7 października 2013

Winter is coming | 3D SexVilla 2.150

Fire & Ice - Chalet Mountainside

Pierwszy śnieg w górskiej chatce, jakim możesz podzielić się z przyjacielem lub obcym, nie tak samotnie. Powrót kabiny, nie przeznaczonej do dupy! Snare "Śnieg Bunny" jakiś après ski, sznapsi uwodzi płcie i snuggly. Goąca torba na snowboard. Dojrzeć można jakiegoś prywatnego osobistego instruktora do działania jeden-na-jeden aby dowiedzieć się, co jest biegiem narciarskim, jaki jest naprawdę i w rzeczywistości! Idealne miejsce na tyrolskie bieganie, Rocky Mountain, andyjski lub ośrodek górski przeznaczony na fantastyczny urlop.

Narty & Snowboard Chic

Trafne stoki w stylu wymagającym elegancji wysokim stroju zimowej mody. Owiń się i zachowaj swoje modele z idealnym ciałkiem w cieple pod ich puchowym ubraniem i futrem albo przebraniem narciarskim. Warstwy zewnętrzne są oczywiście przeznaczone do tego aby je zdjąć i dostać się do dobrych rzeczy, a ski Kurtka zawiera wersje combo do rozbierania z kurtki i bielizny!

Nowe Snow (śnieżne) Anioły

Pierwsze dwa anioły płasko na plecach w musującym świeżym śniegu, aby trochę przypominały "Snow Angels" będzie zarówno zabawnie i przyjemnie. Albo możesz zapewnić modelom masaż w kominku na ból mięśni i innych części ciała w potrzebie stymulacji. Fenfang z Hong Kongu mogą używać pachnących i aromatycznych olejków do zabawy pocierania lub holowania, a urzekająca Rebecca od mocnych brytyjskich wiążących kontroli będąc na skraju wyczerpania Tylko fantazja cię ogranicza.

Nowe fryzury inspirowane Euro Stylem

Dwie nowe fryzury bawarskie Oktoberfest wpływają tematycznie na styl z długimi warkoczami aby chwycić i służyć trochę do zabawy i modnego kroju razor Bohemian, który jest krótki, sassy, ​​dokucza i teksturuje warstwowe fryzury dla zabawy i mody.

Nowa Paczka Tatuaży

Ten nowy pakiet tattoo obejmuje szereg szkiców, 5 dla każdej kostki i z powrotem do tatuaży szyi. Skorzystaj z tych tatuaży do ozdabiania i dekorowania modeli aby połączyć je w różny sposobów, aby dowolny model był naprawdę wyjątkowy i indywidualny.

Nowy Pakiet Biżuterii

Nowy zestaw biżuterii obejmuje 3 zestawy kolczyków i naszyjników połączonych w combo. Użyj biżuterii aby ubrać każdą casual, formalnie lub w styl fetysz, dzięki dodatkowemu stylowi można urozmaicić modele w sposób nowy i inny. Modele również świetnie wyglądają w biżuterii!

Mod Pack

Ta aktualizacja zawiera pakiety mod tekstur dla "Ski Chalet" i "ClassRoom", jak również dwie nowe opcje zimowego stroju i fryzur. Dodatkowy domek z lokalizacją SFX jest również dostępny.

Ski Chalet
Winter Cloth
Hair Textures

Source ge

niedziela, 1 września 2013

Office | Hentai 3D 2,149


Wyobraź sobie, kolejny męczący dzień w biurze znajdziesz zatem swój koniec. Zrobiłeś kilka nadgodzin i jedyne co chcesz to jedziesz do domu bardzo szybko, jak to tylko możliwe. Ale nie ma mowy! Masz ostatnią szansą na sali konferencyjnej aby znaleźć szefa lub szefowa i podotykac siebie. Ona nie rozumie, że ktoś jest za nią, aż nagle... dobrze, niech wyobraźnia faluje!

Pobierz Tekstury tutaj

Dwie nowe fryzury!
Pierwszy to idealne mocne plecionka, wyposażone w jeden okład-a-round francuskich warkoczy z grzywką i opaska na głowę aksamitu równego mody części i funkcji! Numer dwa jest typu funky organiczne dredy! Cewki zmierzwione włosy splątane na skręconych Rasta reggae stylu biodrówki miłości!

Pobierz Tekstury tutaj

Paczka Toy Fetish Four

Sprawdź nowe "Whack Pack" z czterema odjazdowymi zabawkami. Ton kolosalna i przyjemności uderzając będziesz miał z Duster dywanikiem wikliny, bajecznym Paddle Furry, mini Rake Garden i opon Paddle gumy bieżnika. Smack, walić, thrash, wallop, ding, paznokci, coś rap w miejscu ze swoja przerażającą czwórką.

Nowa Paczka Tattoo

Nowe sztuki tatuażu dla maniaków atramentowego barku, ramienia, niższych obszarow, zawiera 10 tatuaży tematów wyposażonych w zwierzęta, Celtic i plemienne wzory

Angielski Pakiet Voice z rosyjskim akcentem

Masz coś dla rosyjskich brzmiących gorących dziewczyn? Czy Twoje ulubione modele mówią słowiańskim ultra-sexy rosyjskich akcentem? "make thees theeng beegger" powinien każdy misiek stac tuż na baczność, gdy wypowiedziane zostana te slowa przez ulubione Rusky accented babe. Obaldenny!

Zwiększony ToyEditor

W manipulowaniu Ostatnim gigantycznym edytorem i rozmiarem tej zabawki zawiera trochę kreatora konfiguracji, aby pomóc określić rozmiar zabawek względem modeli za pośrednictwem granicy odniesienia. Super Size Me!

Cechy techniczne

-Limit szerokości Anus wzrosł w PoseEdit na większe rozszczelnienie
-TRS Włosow resetowania w Customizer (DBL-Kliknij na symbol przekroju)


razlyuli.org ostatnio padlo. Ponizej sa dane aby uruchomic:C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc razlyuli.org

Wed Jul 31, 2013 Source Gamerotica

wtorek, 20 listopada 2012

Hellacious 96 Hour Halloween Mayhem Sale!

No Tricks All Treats!

Score thrilling, spooky horror Halloween stuff for monster madness! Create 'Tales From the Crypt' RPG's in the Laboratory-Dungeon, and grab lots of extras for tricken out your characters costumes.

4 Days Only starting Noon (12.01pm) Oct. 29th 2012 (PST) to before the sun rises after Halloween Midnight Nov. 2nd 2012. Celebrate the feast of 'All Hallows' and treat yourself to have a happier and sexier Halloween..

Huge savings for the 'Beauty and the Beast' in all of us, and so cheap it's scary. Get 50% off and SAVE BIG on these Top Selling select Halloween themed items:
Witch Outfit
Scientist Outfit

poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2012

Go to jail. Do not pass 'GO'... | 3D SexVilla 2.084

Prison & Interrogation Room"Przejmij kontrolę" brak zasad ... Żadnych praw w naszym świecie więziennym! Nagrodzane dobre zachowanie podczas gry, realizuj swoje ulubione fantazje, fetysz więzienny, lub po prostu oglądaj małżeńskie wizyty w tym uber-rzeczywistej powierzchni celi zatrzymań i pokój przesłuchań! Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś w maksymalnej więziennej celi, szpitala psychiatrycznego, zawieszenia lub lokalnym posterunku policji. Odtwórz zza biurka urzędnika i bądź dominujący, zakuwaj w kajdanki, uruchamiaj akcje, w celu ukarania, spanking, biczowanie, dominujące, szkolenia i ruchaj swoje ofiary do woli. Bądź pokorny, i ciesz się tym, czym to zrobić i jak się zachować, a jeśli nie słucha, umieść ofiarę do jednostek grungy komory przesłuchania do przyznania się, spełniaj prywatne fantazje ... dziwne i dziwaczne jak tylko są możliwe! Prisoner Fatigues"Kto do cholery patrzy na ..."? Wewnątrz każdego zakładu karnego, jak mówią dobrze musisz poznać niebezpiecznych przestępców w celi śmierci, z cichych i łagodnych odsiadujących trochę czasu w powiecie za drobne przestępstwa. Trudny kolor pomarańczowy wyznacza life hardcore z populacji ogólnej w tym świecie. Nowy mundur więzienia wraz z chustką getta można pokolorować, stworzyć odpowiednie spojrzenie więzienia i hierarchii. Stwórz swój porządek dziobania i pieprzenia więźniów z celi śmierci w kolorze pomarańczowym, niebieskim populacji ogólnej, chorych psychiczne w kolorze białym, lub stwórz własną sukę więzienną w swoich ulubionych kolorach.New sextoysKlub jest zazwyczaj zwykle wykonany, chyba że w rękach strażnika! Jeśli tak naprawdę nie zna narzędzia treningowego, może nazwać to kijem nocnym, baton, jack slap, pałki lub pałka i używać jej wyłącznie jako broń. Jeśli naprawdę zna się na rzeczy może również korzystać z kija aby przysparzać zarówno ból jaj i przyjemność. Przeciągnij grunt do pokoju przesłuchań i plaskaj nimi, dopóki on lub ona nie dozna rozkoszy lub miłości ... Używaj latarki! Poczekaj, aż więzień spróbuje podnieść mydło, gdyż po prostu może mieć swoją dupkę pobitą i czerwoną, i rzuć nieco światła na powierzchnie, gdzie słońce zwykle nie świeci. Wybierz jedną, niezależnie od podniecenia pierwszy!

Minor Tweaks & Fixes
Save slot limit removed in PoseEdit
Delete confirmation in Sequencer
New textures on www.gamerotica.com
Tattoo Female
Tattoo Male

czwartek, 6 października 2011

The Strip club | 3D SexVilla 2.117

Cabaret Extraordinaire!

Take the word 'tease' out of 'striptease' and really get down to business! The 'Strip Joint' gentlemen's club location is 5 different areas of night clubbing and stripping fun, a hybrid of the best-of-features based on 1000's of joints like this from around the world.

Gain admission to this world and manage this space to create your own club culture. Hand pick your own salacious staff members for bartenders or waitresses. Fool around with a bevy of bawdry strippers in private before opening or after closing each night.

Appointed with premium features: the traditional stripper stage for pole dancing and floor shows, a bar area for counter top dancing , lounge area seating for lap dances, pool table area and games room and even a stage for a band or DJ, this ready to rock establishment has all the quality amenities to play out ample fantasy scenarios.

Weźmy słowo "drażnić" z "striptease" i naprawdę zabrać się do pracy! Lokalizacji "Strip wspólne" panowie klub jest 5 różnych obszarach nocy clubbing i usuwania zabawy, hybryda best-of-funkcje na podstawie 1000 na stawy tak z całego świata.

Uzyskują dostęp do tego świata i zarządzać tym przestrzeń do tworzenia własnej kultury klubowej. Ręcznie wybrać własne lubieżny pracowników dla barmanów i kelnerek. Wygłupiać z grono sprośna mowa usuwania w prywatnych przed otwarciem lub po zamknięciu każdej nocy.

Wyposażone premium: tradycyjne etapie zdejmowania na taniec na rurze i pokazuje piętro, bar na blat taniec, część wypoczynkową salonu na tańce kolanach, obszar stół bilardowy i salon gier, a nawet scenie zespół lub DJ, to gotowy do ustanowienie rocka posiada wszystkie udogodnienia jakości do gry na wiele scenariuszy fantasy.

History in the Making!

What's a strip club without scantily clad dancers in themed outfits? These new outfits, a fitting tribute to the origins of stripping, include:
turn of the century influenced French 'Follie' Showgirl and roarin g20's Vaudeville Gangster Flapper Girl look (GE texture)
a mid century 50's Sweetheart Bette Page look (GE Texture)
iconic 70's Playboy and modern day Chippendale's for men look (GE Texture)

These exotic dancer ensembles, with a modern twist, will brighten up your collection of outfits and light up the stage.

Don't forget that textures for these and others are released to Gamerotica to create your own personalized looks!

P.S. There are literally thousands of mix and match outfit combinations in-game, and available on the GE community with the connector, to create the perfect stripper look.

Co znajduje się w klubie ze striptizem bez skąpo ubrane tancerki w różnych kostiumów? Te nowe stroje, hołd dla początków rozbiórki, obejmują:
przełomie wieków pod wpływem francuskiego "Follie" Showgirl i Gangster roarin G20 Vaudeville Flapper wygląd Girl (tekstury GE)
w połowie wieku 50-Sweetheart wyglądać Strona Bette (Texture GE)
ikony 70-Playboy i nowoczesne Chippendale za wygląd mężczyzn (Texture GE)

Te egzotyczne zespoły tancerz, z nowoczesnymi elementami, będzie rozjaśnić swoją kolekcję strojów i rozświetlają scenę.

Nie zapominaj, że faktury te i inne są uwalniane do Gamerotica do tworzenia własnej spersonalizowanej wygląda!

Postscriptum Istnieją dosłownie tysiące mieszać i łączyć kombinacje strój w grze, i są dostępne w społeczności GE ze złączem, aby stworzyć idealny wygląd striptizerkę.

Urban Chic Hairstyle

A new do for hair buffs! A short and sassy look for females or country renegade look for men, this unisex hairstyle is a versatile look for either sex! This 'spunky' style can flatter any shape face, and is bold and sexy for the hippest looks, or sporty and vivacious for that living life to the fullest attitude. Colorize and streak to compliment skin tone and eye colors and transform your models look to suit any outfit or scene for model photo shoots or glamour video sessions.

Nowy rodzaj włosów! Krótki i sassy szukać kobiety lub wygląd renegata kraju dla mężczyzn, takie uczesanie unisex jest wszechstronnym szukać obu płci! Ten "odważny" stylu można schlebiać każdej twarzy kształt i jest odważna i seksowna na najmodniejszy wygląd, lub sportowym i żywy, że życie dla życia w pełni postawy. Koloruj i smuga na odcień skóry i kolor oczu komplement i transformacji modeli wygląd pasujący do każdego stroju lub sceny na sesje zdjęciowe modelu lub sesje wideo glamour.

Partially Undressed

Don't get caught with your pants down. Well on second thought maybe one would want to if a BJ is involved! Want to depict a quickie with pants down in the park for a public sex romp, or just too anxious to get your pants all the way down in time in the bathroom or bedroom? Stripping down and getting naked is sometimes half the fun when it comes to sex so we have included for the first time the ability for 'guys' to have sex without having to be totally naked down there. This pants pulled down combo allow this!
Featured I Girl
Featured I Male
Featured II Girl

Nie daj się złapać z spodniami. Oraz w drugim, że może ktoś chciałby jeśli BJ jest zaangażowany! Chcesz, aby przedstawić szybki numerek w spodniach w parku do publicznej seks broić, lub po prostu zbyt zależało na spodnie w dół w czasie w łazience czy sypialni? Striptiz w dół i coraz nago jest czasem połowa zabawy, jeśli chodzi o seks, więc mamy włączone po raz pierwszy możliwość dla "chłopaki" do seksu bez konieczności zupełnie naga tam. To spodnie rozebrany combo pozwalają na to!

QuickTime vs. BigTime!

Move over Apple 'QuickTime', a new kid is in town! thriXXX's 'BigTime' is in the house and on the scene! It's the BIG deal! Quickie video clips, short replays only, and trailer length restrictions are no longer. You can now upload and share long format extended length videos you have captured to Gamerotica !

Release your inner Scorsese, Cameron, or Spielberg and create AO 'BigTime' full feature and epic length movies. Automated multi-part uploads now allow 'BigTime' full length videos. Machinima nirvana awaits!

QuickTime vs BigTime!

Przesuń się "QuickTime" Apple, nowe dziecko jest w mieście! thriXXX w "BigTime jest w domu i na scenie! Jest to wielka sprawa! Wideo Quickie, krótkie powtórki tylko i ograniczenia długości przyczepy nie są. Teraz można przesyłać i udostępniać filmy długi format rozszerzony długość została zarejestrowana do Gamerotica!

Uwolnij w sobie Scorsese, Cameron, lub Spielberga i "BigTime" stworzyć AO pełnej funkcji i epickich filmów długości. Automatyczne wieloczęściowe dodane teraz pozwolić na pełne filmów "BigTime" długości. Nirwany Machinima czeka!

Help Us Help You!

We are here to help you get the most of your 3D sex game experience, and we are making changes to how we provide basic in-game help, tips and tricks. There has been a lot of features and functionality added over the years and some parts of the game have become quite complex and it's often hard to remember what does what. Basically we are outgrowing the in-game help system.

To provide more versatility, useful context sensitive information, and easy to update help, much more than can be included in the current in-game system, we are transitioning to WIKI based web browser help documentation & support , like the big boys Microsoft, Adobe et. all.

No more having to exit a scene to get to the help pages. Now you can have a context sensitive help window open up in a browser by Pressing F1 when hovering over a menu item and the tool tips section in the upper left corner turns to red indicating there is a related WIKI help page.

Need to have a visual guide to all the keyboard shortcuts, can't remember how to do Key Frame editing in Pose Edit? Have the latest information at your finger tips while you play and toggle between help and an active game session to figure things out. The WIKI is constantly being added to and upgraded in regards to more detailed help, video tutorials etc., and now connected to browsers it will be much more useful.

Please note this is a first step in the transition so not all menu items will be connected to context sensitive help to start with. We however promise to evolve this important source of information with each new release so stay tuned!

Jesteśmy tutaj, aby pomóc Ci w pełni wykorzystać doświadczenia 3D z gry, i robimy zmiany w sposobie oferujemy podstawowe w grze pomocy, porady i wskazówki. Odnotowano wiele funkcji i funkcjonalność dodano w ciągu roku, a niektóre części gry są coraz bardziej skomplikowane i często trudno przypomnieć sobie, co nie co. Jesteśmy po prostu przerasta w grze system pomocy.

Aby zapewnić większą wszechstronność, przydatne kontekstu informacji, i łatwe do aktualizacji pomocy, znacznie więcej niż mogą być uwzględnione w obecnych w grze systemu, przechodzą do WIKI na przeglądarkę dokumentacji pomocy i wsparcia, jak dużych chłopców Microsoft, Adobe et. wszystkich.

Koniec z konieczności wychodzenia scenę, aby dostać się na stronach pomocy. Teraz możesz mieć kontekstowe okno pomocy otworzyć w przeglądarce Naciśnięcie klawisza F1 po najechaniu na element menu i sekcji podpowiedzi w lewym górnym rogu zmienia kolor na czerwony jest związane stronie pomocy WIKI.

Trzeba mieć wizualny przewodnik do wszystkich skrótów klawiszowych, nie pamiętam jak to zrobić Key edycji Rama w Pose Edit? Czy najnowsze informacje na wyciągnięcie ręki podczas gry i przełączać się między pomocą a aktywnych sesji gry na postać rzeczy.Wiki jest stale poszerzana i modernizacji w odniesieniu do bardziej szczegółowej pomocy, samouczki wideo itp., a teraz podłączony do przeglądarek będzie o wiele bardziej użyteczne.

Należy pamiętać, jest to pierwszy krok w przejściu więc nie wszystkie pozycje menu będą podłączone do pomocy kontekstowej na początek. Mamy jednak obietnicę rozwijać to ważne źródło informacji w każdej nowej wersji więc stay tuned!

Menu Changes to Serve You Better!

Menu's are an important part of the flow of an experience when interacting and creating so we have regrouped modes and editors. The 'Media' folder containing your screen shots and video clips is now accessed at the top level menu, while play modes and editing tools are all in one convenient location.

Also we have changed the UI for not yet unlocked content and game features. All icons now appear in the game UI for all features instead of an empty space with a question mark. If a feature has not been purchased and unlocked via SexCoins, a lock appears on the time indicating it's not free to be used until obtained through the SexShop.

Menu są ważną częścią przepływu doświadczenia podczas interakcji i tworzenia więc przegrupowali tryby i redaktorów. Folderze "Media" zawierający zrzuty ekranu i klipów wideo jest teraz dostępny w górnym menu poziomie, podczas gdy tryb gry oraz narzędzia do edycji są wszystkie w jednym miejscu.

Również mamy zmiany interfejsu użytkownika nie są jeszcze odblokowane treści i funkcje gry. Wszystkie ikony są teraz wyświetlane w interfejsie gry dla wszystkich funkcji, a nie puste miejsce ze znakiem zapytania. Jeśli jakaś funkcja nie została zakupiona i odblokowane przez SexCoins, blokady pojawia się od czasu wskazując, że nie jest on darmowy do użytku do czasu uzyskać poprzez sexshop.

wtorek, 4 października 2011

SexVilla 3 - Coming Soon !

Join to global, polish & english team already today !


Dzięki dołączeniu do polskiego zespołu gry dostaniesz jedyne w swoim rodzaju wsparcie dla gry czyli:

- wszystkie tutoriale będą za jakiś czas dostępne po polsku dla ciebie i specjalnych członków
- dostaniesz indywidualną pomoc od lidera, który dokładnie zna funkcje tej gry
- regularnie będziesz otrzymywać aktualizację z najnowszymi dodatkami do gry
- krok po kroku poznasz co i jak działa, a co nie działa i dlaczego
- pełne wsparcie ze strony technicznej i wyjaśnienia błędów
- dostaniesz potrzebne informacje jak stworzyć piękne dziewczyny o których marzy nie jeden facet
- dostaniesz także wskazówki oraz informacje jak działa Pose Editor i jak się nim sprawnie posługiwać aby pozycje, animacje i pozycje interaktywne wyglądały świetnie i były bez błędów
- nauczysz się jak tworzyć wyrafinowany styl, modele, pozycje, ubrania itd.
- dzięki paroletniemu doświadczeniu z tą grą przez twórcę tego bloga będziesz w stanie krok po kroku tworzyć to czego inni użytkownicy nigdy nie zrobią bo nie znają dokłanie funkcjonalności
- będziesz wiedział jak modyfikować pokoje w taki sposób aby nie wyrzucało z gry podczas próby zagrania w danym pokoju
- dostaniesz wkrótce dostęp do wielkiej biblioteki plików, które były zbierane od początku pierwszej wczesnej wersji gry
- nauczysz się dodawać, zmieniać, przeobrażać, usuwać modele i wiele więcej na ten temat
- będziesz niedługo w stanie sam dokonywać pewnych modyfikacji gry, które to z dnia na dzień nabierają nowego wymiaru bo jest ich coraz więcej
- nie bądź w tyle i dogoń obcokrajowców, którzy grają, modyfikują i tworzą grę
- szybko nauczysz się tworzyć i modyfikować nowe zabawki co nie jest zbyt trudne w porównaniu do tworzenia modeli, sekwencji czy pozycji
- możesz odwiedzić stronę gamerotica.com i samemu się przekonać jak dużo potrzeba czasu aby zgromadzić wszystkie lub najlepsze materiały z tej strony, a ty dostaniesz prawie każdy plik w niewielkim czasie
- z moją pomocą możesz także pobudzić wyobraźnię na temat seksu co potem możesz wykorzystać z partnerką, czy to nie cudowne ?
- całkowita anonimowość
- na każde pytanie dostaniesz odpowiedź
- zawsze będziesz na bieżąco
- nigdy nie było na rynku tak świetnej sex gry czemu zresztą nie ma się co dziwić bo produkcja jest tworzona przez światowe potęgi USA, Germany, modyfikowana zaś jest przez Rosyjską społeczność, a także inne nacje

Życie jest za krótke aby rezygnować z przyjemności.

Wolne tylko 65 miejsc. Dokładnie tyle ile liczą wolne miejsca na okładce tej wiadomości !


With the inclusion of the English team you will play a unique support for the game that is:

- All tutorials will be available some time in English for you and members of special
- You will get personalized help from a leader who knows exactly the features of this game
- You will receive regular updates of the latest additions to the game
- Step by step you will learn how and what works and what does not work and why
- Full support from the technical and explanation of errors
- Get the information you need to create a beautiful girl whose dream is not about one man
- Also get tips and how to work Pose Editor and how to use it efficiently to the items, animations and interactive items looked great and were without error
- Learn how to create a sophisticated style, models, items, clothes, etc.
- With steam years experience with the game by the creator of this blog will be able to create step by step what other users will never do because I do not know the accuracy of functionality
- You'll know how to modify the rooms in such a way that is not thrown out of the game while trying to play in that room
- Will soon get access to a large library of files that were collected from the beginning of the first early version of the game
- Learn to add, change, transform, remove models and much more on this topic
- You'll soon be able to make some modifications to the same game that is from one day to acquire a new dimension because there are more and more
- Do not stay behind, and must just chase the foreign players who play the game modify and create her
- Quickly learn to create and modify new toy which is not too difficult compared to modeling, sequence and position
- You can visit gamerotica.com and convince yourself how much time is needed to collect all or the best material from this site, and you'll get almost every file in a small time
- With my help, you can also stimulate the imagination about sex then what you can use with your partner, is not that wonderful?
- Total anonymity
- Pleasant atmosphere in the team
- For every question you get an answer
- You will always be up to date
- Never been on the market for such a great sex game anyway so it is no surprise because the production is created by the global power of the U.S., Germany, and is modified by the Russian community, as well as other nations.

Life is too short to give up the pleasures.

Available only 65 seats. Count exactly how many wonle place on the cover of this message !

More: http://razlyuli.org/

czwartek, 11 sierpnia 2011

FAQ SexVilla2 - SV2 - TK 17 6.2

1. How to put a new sequences ?

Originally Posted by pete

I am attempting to import self extracting files from gamerotica via 3DSV-2.99-WR-GE-Content into Klub 17 V6.2 however I keep getting an error message that says that I cant instal because I haven't got SV2 installed. I have since also installed SV2 but when I try to instal the textures from the Klub mod folder they instal into SV2 only. Can anyone help with this problem?
For anything except sequences, you can simply dump the EXE files into TK17 'Import' folder and run Content Importer with default parameters.

For sequences it's a bit more tricky:

1. Make sure your Import folder is empty.

2. Start Content Importer, leave the import folder path at default value and click 'Next'.

3. Select 'Import Community Sequences' preset from the top selection box.

4. When prompted, manually run the GE executables.

5. When done, click 'OK' on the content importer pop-up.

2. How to use FaceGen ?

Download FaceGen
Face Gen Tutorial in Photoshop
Here how use facegen.
hi all,

TK17 is a masterpiece.
I was very excited when I found it last week.

The best feature for me is the import from Facegen.

So far I'm happy with the results in Facegen
but when I import it into TK17 6.2 the face loses a great
part of its resemblance with the original photo.

I followed the instruction for importing.

a). installed Facegen

b). copied TK17 specific model set (GUI)
Not sure if this step was done correctly because in Facegen
Model->change model set-> shows two options for "new model set" the FaceGen default model V3 and the SV2_ModelSet_4
there is no TK17 Model option in the select box.

c). generated face with good results in facegen

d). import with TK17 FaceGen Importer.exe (GUI)

e). opening model in tk17 to customize it

f). Disappointment. It seems to me that the shape of the head doesn't fit.

Additionally it looks like every import is female no matter what i tell the importer.

Is there anybody who can help me with some hints. link

Alright FaceGen-tutorial.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I can share my experience.

First of all, the picture itself.

The most important thing is that the model is looking straight at the camera, not turned, but facing straight.
It doesn't really matter if the head is inclined in the original picture. You can always correct that in a picture
manipulation application. I also suggest cutting the picture so it only shows the head.

Now, in the official tutorial, it says that you can't be smiling (have teeth showing) or shades or hair across the face,
but the good news is that it doesn't really matter. FaceGen can be set (the two sliders your bottom left)
to remove all textures, leaving only the face shape. Which is what we wanted, anyway.
In-game the same is achieved by choosing Skin Base 1.

As for FaceGen itself, I only know the external one provided with 6.1.
I understand that in the in-game version the markers have different colours. But here they are all green.
It is very important that the right markers are in the right place,
otherwise the application will refuse to perform the transformation. This happens very easily, so be careful.

The best thing to do, I think, is to right click on the markers (you'll see the hand instead of the cross),
and move all the markers together roughly into position, so you only have to do minor adjustments.
Actually, the best picture size is roughly around 240x200 pixels (a picture only showing the face as I said),
which means you can more or less just "dumb" the markers in the right place, using right click.

Once the model is imported into the game you can still do extra adjustments with the sliders.

So, are you happy with the result? That is really up to you.
I've been using it to make real-life lesbian fantasies come to life
(yes, even friends, thank you Facebook - I hope to God they never find out).
And one the one hand I must say, that so far I doubt the models would be
instantly recognisable except I know who it's supposed to be.
But I am happier with these than trying to make actual look-a-likes using the sliders.

Also I just figured out how to use the Facegen effectively. The importer uses the last model you customized to add the .FG face to, so before you use it, load the game and choose a model with similar features (realistic, blonde, etc) and customize her just a bit (hair color) and save ... then use the Facegen importer. You'll get much better results !!

3. What should I do if the skin is not read ?

Add txf file to every body , example Female_White_Body.txf (thread).

To confirm, I only tried facegen once and wasn't keen on the results but if I remember correctly you had to go into the model with the "CHANGE_ME" icon and manually change to the new skin, as in, it wasn't set to the new FG skin by default, safe than sorry and just to confirm, I take it you flicked through the skin base options?

P.S. To my knowledge you never put the skins in the save folder, just have them in the ActiveMod in their fg prefixed folder or they won't show up.

P.P.S. Sorry if the question comes off as silly but just want to cover the basics as its really easy to overlook.


Ok, just want to confirm exactly what your seeing so I uploaded example directory images.

In the first spoiler is an image of my activemod folder and a skin folder within it's layout, again, if you added txf files to all skins manually it will look something like this, if you haven't added txf's for every single skin file you should not have any of the txf's.


Next spoiler is an image of my models in the save directory and an opened model directory for reference.


First things first as I'm also eager to work out what causes this.

#1, Is the first image comparable to what your seeing in the fg texture folder within the activemod directory including or excluding txf files.

If its different in any way could you upload a similar shot of your setup or let us know your folder and filenames for the problem skin.

#2, Is the second image comparable to what your seeing in the model#### folder within the save/models directory, if anything here is different, less or more files for example could you let us know what your seeing.

Last, I realise this so far is just me but as its actually worked for me I keep having to raise it. I can't say it often enough but I just want to make crystal clear, for me the rules of txf's are different to the accepted norm, I don't pretend to understand it, its just what's working for me.

(A), If I have them within every skin mod all skins load every time.

(B), If I don't have them at all skins work intermittently disappearing from time to time from the available options for no apparent reason.

(C), If I don't have them in every single skin mod (including tattoos, suits, strapons whatever that uses a body, hand, feet, head or genital png for males, females, shemales, white, black, blue, green, pink & rainbow) no skins without them work at all, they simply don't get listed.

4. How do Graphick Mod?


Use paint.net, photoshop or other graphick program (google).

This is an updated version, extracted from LLSC 505. However, the extraction is based on the following list which I got from somewhere in this forum:

modtex.txt ( 33,56 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 156

The list is a snippet from a BSB file and somewhat outdated. If someone could direct me to what file the list is from, I could make a more updated resource.

The file is cut into 4 parts as Zatusim seems doesn't allow me to upload a single 13mb file.

Mod_Source.part1.rar ( 4 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 221
Mod_Source.part2.rar ( 4 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 170
Mod_Source.part3.rar ( 4 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 180
Mod_Source.part4.rar ( 2,41 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 179

A few notes on the pack is necessary:
The image files are in the original JPEG2000 (jp2) format, because of note #2
For some reasons, many of the tattoo images are full yellow, while they work fine in the game; this might be a limitation of the jp2 plugin I use for Photoshop
The files are divided into several folders for convenience only and doesn't reflect any kind of structure that Villa expects

In the pack you'll find 2 files, "NotCopied.txt" and "SV2ModNames.csv", which may need some explanation.

Because I extract and move the files using scripts, "NotCopied.txt" serves as a report of what files are missing. After reviewing the file, indeed the files listed there are not found in Villa's TXX and serves no function that I know of.

"SV2ModNames.csv" is a generic table file which can imported to MS Excel, and list these information

"In Game Name": Is the text Villa displays in the top-left corner when hovering over an icon in the game; Note that several are marked "unknown" as they were not designed to be directly selectable in the game, such as person skin, etc.

"Mod Filename": Is the name Villa expected to see in the mod, which translates to the name of the PNG and TXF file for a specific dress/item

"Internal ID": Is the name used internally by Villa's engine

"Internal Path": is where the default file/texture of an item is located inside the TXX archive

So, if anyone want to create a mod for Cowgirl Top, just look of what files need to be edited in "SV2ModNames.csv". There you'll find that the mod filename is "F_Cowgirl001_Top_Bandana". That means you have to create/edit "F_Cowgirl001_Top_Bandana.PNG" and "F_Cowgirl001_Top_Bandana.TXF"

Notice however, the next entry "Cowgirl Bandana" also list the same name, which means the top and bandana shares the same texture file.

I also in the process of extracting the UV maps of the clothes, but met with these obstacles:
3DRipperDX seems to drop few polygon, hence the resulting UV Map is inclomplete; I have this problem at least with "Action Hotpants" (missing quite a few polygons from the gun) and "Cowgirl Hotpants" (missing buckle)
Going back and forth between Villa, text editor (cos the resulting OBJ needs to be edited), Blender, and GIMP (testing the UV map) is plainly tedious

If someone could help me as to why 3DRipperDX drop polygons, I'll be most grateful. (and no, I don't want to use 3D Studio Max )

5. How use importer Pose?

Make sure that your txx files are in Import Folder. Then run Importer exe to any folder. Make sure that all files are true. Enjoy.

6. How to manipulate Bodies in Pose Editor?

It's for professional. Base Info here - > Parts of the body and two types of movement. Rottations and coordinations. Poseeditor#the_pose_editor_timeline.

7. How add new poses?

C:\Program Files\Team K17\Community\PoseEdit or C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Team K17\Lusty Ladies SexClub\Community

8. How change Tags, names, delete, copy, put to other folder ?


Starting with version 6.1, the command is the attitude pesdir TK17 garbage that helps you find the folder according to various criteria and their razlichnyedeystva (delete, move / copy to another folder, rename files, add / delete tags, change the order of characters and so, etc.)

A detailed description can be found by typing man pesdir in a command shell or through the Start menu -> All Programs -> Club 17 -> Tools -> Commands Documentation

If you have specific questions about using the command, ask in the subject line or send me a PM.

translate to pl;
Począwszy od wersji 6.1, poleceń TK17 jest postawa pesdir śmieci, która umożliwia wyszukiwanie w folderze według różnych kryteriów i ich razlichnyedeystva (usunąć, przenieść / skopiować do innego folderu, zmieniać nazwy plików, dodawanie / usuwanie tagów, zmienić kolejność znaków i tak itp.)

Szczegółowy opis można znaleźć wpisując pesdir człowieka w powłoce poleceń lub poprzez menu Start -> Wszystkie Programy -> Klub 17 -> Narzędzia -> Komendy Dokumentacji

Jeśli masz szczegółowe pytania dotyczące korzystania z narzędzia polecenia, zapytaj w temacie lub wyślij mi PM.

9. How ? please tell me how i can make work ge pose content..and btw i cant even open pose content when i download

GE Content in The Club 17 not work because the files are encrypted.

Poses/Toys/Models/Sequences downloaded directly from GE cannot be used in TK17 because they are encrypted. If you have a paid version of SV2 with Community Pack purchased, you can install this content to the paid version, and then transfer it to TK17 manually or using Content Importer. GE texture packs, on the other hand, can be simply dumped to the game's Import folder and installed directly using Content Importer.

10. How change Menu ?

Menu in Archives -> 3DSexVilla2.Extra.p002 idk but now I know:

1. First In TK17 Command Shell.exe => extract-txx 3DSexVilla2.Extra.p002
2. Find load_background.jp2
3. Second In TK17 Command Shell.exe => build-txx 3DSexVilla2.Extra.p002

11. What do you mean value in .txf file?


Ok, I'll try to explain:

"RGB_888" "Opaque"
"L_8" "Opaque"
No alpha transparency or cutting out. Use this option when the modded texture doesn't need to cut-out any parts of the mesh and has no semi-transparent areas. Using "L_8" as first parameter will make the texture grayscale.

"RGBA_8888" "AlphaMask"
"LA_88" "AlphaMask"
Simple cutting-out of mesh parts. Use this option if the texture has no semi-transparent areas. This option can be safely used instead of "Opaque" as long as the texture image is not using alpha channel. Using "LA_88" as first parameter will make the texture grayscale.

"RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend"
"RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend/WriteZ"
"LA_88" "AlphaBlend"
"LA_88" "AlphaBlend/WriteZ"
Those options provide full alpha transparency support. Unfortunately, this may also create rendering artifacts when object collusion occurs, so don't use "AlphaBlend" unless you really need semi-transparent areas. Using "LA_88" as first parameter will make the texture grayscale.

WriteZ option modifies the way object collisions are handled. There's no general rule when to use it. You should try the texture mod with and without WriteZ in combination with different items to see which of the 2 looks best. For dress/top/bra/necklace textures, it's a good idea to test the textures on long-haired models.

"L_8" "Add"
Greyscale image used to add white to all three channels of the underlying texture. black does not do anything, grey lights up medium and white is for maximum brightness.

Ok, postaram się wyjaśnić:

"RGB_888" "nieprzezroczysty"
"L_8" "nieprzezroczysty"
Brak przezroczystości alfa lub wycinanie. Użyj tej opcji, gdy modded faktura nie musi wycięcie jakiejkolwiek części siatki i nie ma pół-przezroczyste obszary. Korzystanie z "L_8" jako pierwszy parametr będzie faktura skali szarości.

"RGBA_8888" "AlphaMask"
"LA_88" "AlphaMask"
Proste cięcia z siatki części. Wykorzystaj tę opcję jeśli faktura nie ma pół-przezroczyste obszary. Opcja ta może być bezpiecznie używany zamiast "nieprzezroczyste" tak długo, jak obraz tekstury jest nie za pomocą kanału alfa. Korzystanie z "LA_88" jako pierwszy parametr będzie faktura skali szarości.

"RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend"
"RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend / WriteZ"
"LA_88" "AlphaBlend"
"LA_88" "AlphaBlend / WriteZ"
Opcje te zapewniają pełną obsługę przezroczystości alfa. Niestety, mogą również tworzyć artefakty renderowania gdy zmowy obiekt występuje, więc nie używaj "AlphaBlend", chyba że naprawdę musisz półprzezroczyste obszarach. Korzystanie z "LA_88" jako pierwszy parametr będzie faktura skali szarości.

Opcja WriteZ modyfikuje sposób kolizji obiektu są obsługiwane. Nie ma reguły, kiedy z niego korzystać. Należy starać mod tekstury i bez WriteZ w połączeniu z różnych przedmiotów, aby zobaczyć, który z 2 wygląda najlepiej. Do sukni / góra / bra / naszyjnik tekstur, to dobry pomysł, aby przetestować tekstur w modelach długowłosych.

"L_8" "Dodaj"
Obraz skali szarości służy do dodawania biały do wszystkich trzech kanałów podstawowych tekstury. czarny nie robi nic, czarny świeci średnich i biały jest dla zapewnienia maksymalnej jasności. Specific Link

12. Where Sliders are defined ?

Sliders and other Customizer UI controls are defined in Scripts/Shared/Person/PersonDefault* scripts. Sorry, I cannot give you step-by-step instructions... each Customizer UI control is basically linked to some object(s) defined elsewhere in gamescripts and you need to understand properties and behavior of each underlying object class in order to control it.

13. How to use toys in pose editor ?

Here Answer

14. How set pose in Pose Editor ?

Here Answer

Brand 3D Sex Villa for years, but to really appeal to many, the project was only the opening of the game resources. The main role will no doubt play an integrated application Pose Editor, allowing to create their own animated sex scenes every measure in their turpitude This in itself poses no editor is a versatile tool and has a number of restrictions imposed by the resources of the game or directly by developers. Study of the functional program and its capabilities is dedicated to this educational program.

Before you start working in your editor, you must understand for himself a few rules and restrictions:
1.Kolichestvo scene is limited to three participants. Yes, it decided to developers. No, as long as this problem persists and is not the fact that there will at all. Such actions require the intervention of the code the game, that not everyone in the teeth.
2.Dlina animation is limited, will not be able to create an infinitely long chains of keys. After playing the entire animation, it starts again. That is, any scene in the game - a cyclic set of actions. In this animation within the game itself animates the action between the keys, and the transition from the end point of the animation in the beginning - no. That is why it is important that the first and last frames of animation match (otherwise the scene will jump.)
3.Redaktor using sufficiently advanced physical model, but does not insure against wrenching limb joints. The joints of the foot and hand behave differently, and it will be considered. For the correct positioning of the hands have to work, most likely, both with a brush, elbow and shoulder to feet - at least ankle and knee.
4.In the game has six binding triggers (neck, hands, penis, feet) to various points on the body of a model or a partner. Without the binding of sex will not work: interactive does not work, animation, expanding the anus and the vagina will not appear.
5.Dlya creating realistic poses extremely important to understand the principles of the functioning of the human body in general and during intercourse - in particular. Often come across poses, in principle, impossible in terms of anatomy and physiology, as well as distributed throughout the body loads. To keep things nice, it should be realistic. If you do not have enough personal experience - turn off the villa and go to practice. In an extreme case - revision of a dozen expensive porn.

Editor operates three menus:

1.Panel control.

It includes the following buttons (from left to right):
1.1. Keys Undo and Redo (Undo / Redo). I think all of these keys are familiar with standard applications Windows. Allow you to undo or redo (after cancellation) the last action. It is useful.
Shortcut - Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z
1.2. Key Enable \ Disable Automatic Keying. Includes animation fit between the keys. Without the inclusion of this feature, editing ... very difficult, so it is enabled by default.
Shortcut - C.
1.3. Key Enable / Disable Key Editing. Theoretically, this key should disable editing keys, but in practice it by pressing any changes in the work were noted. Thus its exact purpose of the author is not known.
Shortcut - Shift + C.
1.4. Key Enable / Disable character collision. The exact assignment of the keys to the author is unknown. Its inclusion is no visible effects in the work does not.
Shortcut - C.
1.5. Key Toggle all person manipulating. Can (theoretically) move all the models, works with reservations. The author (perhaps only with him) as the treatment does not work and after the no visible effect does not. In this case, pressing the key combination Shift + A and shift base model means "head" model (ie one for which the marker Hip dragging) moves faster than the rest.
Keyboard shortcuts: Shift + A + marker Hip, Shift + marker Hip
1.6. Three subsequent keys will be considered in the aggregate. It's No manipulator (abolition of the marker, shortcut Q), Set manipulator to translation mode (switch marker in move mode, shortcut W) and Set manipulator to rotation mode (switch marker in rotation mode, the key is E). These buttons allow you to transfer the marker arm of the regime to regime (for those parts of the body for which this switch provided). Generally, we recommend "zero in" to the keyboard shortcuts - it can save you time.
On the marker can be found below manipulators.
1.7. Upload pose to community. Share pose with the Community. The author especially without the need to: he shares with only one community - the Local.
1.8. Make a video. Hotkey - Ctrl + R
1.9. Take a screenshot. Hotkey - Ctrl + P

2.Panel editing.
Consists of several sub-menus:

2.1. Working with the file.

Contains three icons (from left to right):
2.1.1. Start editing a new pose - to create a new position. In the menu that you will be prompted to choose - one, two or three models.
2.1.2. Load a pose - download the current position for viewing / editing.
2.1.3 Save current pose - to save the current edits.

2.2. Selection panel

Location - the place of the future poses. It is for this marker, the game will decide whether the current position and where specifically to accommodate your virtual lover. Values: Floor (floor), Trestle ("horse"), Table (table), Wall (wall), Pillory high (upper shackle), Pillory low (lower shackles), Sofa (sofa bed), Cross (cross) and Chair (chair).
Type - Animation or Interactive. There must be clear. In the animation we default can not manage anything and just look how modelki do some pre-directed movement. In the case of interactivity, we have the appropriate markers, you can manually control the process. But there is a caveat. In the case of interactive posture, four cluster animation available to us so divided: Normal loop (animation, playing at the zero level of participation of the player, ie, when no proihodit), Orgasm loop (animation orgasm), Cooldown loop (animation of relaxation, a rollback ) and Penetration loop (actually, animation frictions). In this case, even taking into account the fact that you can "merge" the animation together, leaving one piece to another, to create something small turns and in most cases it comes down to the translational motion. Animation is disposed of once the four clusters, so that can create, at times, very complex sequences of movements.
Edit Person - the choice of the current model for editing. Not active in the current session dividing shaded.

2.3 Extras - activities that occur automatically during the model scene.

2.3.1. Hip trigger - during the scene model itself will move the hips, rather than lying layer.
2.3.2. Head rotation - during the scene model seeks to look after your camera. Ie, in most cases will look at you.

2.4 Pose

This is - the main section edit, here are manipulators allow you to change body position in space of the model. On the left is the name of the robot arm, right - more columns and symbols. The first - with the wave, zigzag, or a broken line - describes the current token movement of the manipulator. That is, will it smooth, irregular or sharp. Icon K (Key) points out, changed or not changed by the manipulator in this way. In the zero-key all of them are highlighted in the next - just in case, if the current manipulator has been changed. The following is a column with two values:
Translation - the move handle.

When you click on the key K (Key) and select the manipulator (Set Manipulator), you will see a marker with six arrows let you move a section of the model in space, holding the right arrow to the left mouse button.
Rotation - rotation handle.

Represents a fragmentary spheroid with tri-colored "cross." Each color corresponds to one dimension, when clamping the left mouse button and move - part of the model will rotate.
Near the left edge, some manipulators icon is in the form of a small chain.

Clicking on this icon, we see a menu where you can select one of the models and the area on her body. This - the same binding manipulators. It is important to always attach the penis / tongue / hand / foot in vagina / anus, or sex will not work (in particular, will not expand the anus and vagina). Have three positions - Connect (connect), Reconnect (replug) and Disconnect (off)
List of manipulators:
Nec - crane your neck, you change the shape of the head. Marker Rotation. May be linked to the penis, vagina and anus.
Eye look at - manipulator that allows you to set a point on which to focus view of the model. Represents a marker of Translation. When you press a keyboard shortcut Shift + F, Model looks at the camera.
Upper Body - manipulator of the upper body (from the stomach to the neck). Allows you to change body position in space. In addition to the Neck and Hip - an indispensable arm. A value of translation.
Shoulder left - the left shoulder. Marker Rotation.
Shoulder Right - right shoulder, the same way.
Breast left - the left chest. Marker Rotation.
Breast right - the right breast, the same way.
Elbow left - the left elbow. To achieve the correct position of the manipulator arm only Hand impossible in most cases, Elbow help solve problems. When using this marker is important to remember the natural angle of bending the elbow. The token has a value of Translation.
Elbow right - the right elbow. The same.
Hand left - the left hand. The first arm having two markers - and Translation, and Rotation. Move handle allows you to move the arm at the wrist (probation) in three dimensions, the rotation - rotate the brush, and with it, in some cases - all of the forearm. Almost is not associated with the manipulator elbow and shoulder, so to obtain a natural posture to work with all pointing devices. May be linked to the vagina, penis, anus, hands, legs, boobs and other interesting places in your own body as a model and on the body of the partner.
Hand right - the right hand. The same.
Hip - the pelvis. Also has two markers. The main manipulator. From it all begins. Hold down the Shift key and grabbing it in the sense of Translation, you can move the model in space, and selecting the Rotation - twist, twist it into three dimensions. Fabulously makes life easier when transferring models from the "standing" to "lying", "lying on its side," "standing on his head," etc. Secondly, here are the vagina and anus, which can bind a member of the fingers and tongue and a partner own model (only fingers). With the rotation and movement can and should seek the natural log term in the corners of the vagina, about one third of realism when creating scenes comes from the correct positioning of the manipulator.
Penis - dick. It can be rotated by selecting the correct angle of entry in the ... in short, the entrance. Is tied to the vagina, anus and mezhdugrudiyu And only partner.
Testicles - eggs. Rotate, you can realistically dobavatsya their location relative to the center of the earth. This, by the way, scoring 99% of the founders of poses. And in vain ...
Knee left - the left knee. Marker Translation. In general, similar to the elbow, with the amendment that the joint of the foot is less flexible than a brush. On the feet are usually the most vozni ...
Knee right - the right knee. The same.
Foot left - the left leg, two markers, both located at the ankle and foot can manipulate in three dimensions and rotate the foot. It should be uchitvat that freedom of action in this marker is less than the hand, foot and knee contact more than elbow and wrist, so keep in mind when you work, the location of all joints.
Foot right - the right leg, the same way.

Working with manipulators is simple and straightforward.

By right-clicking on bukovke K (Key), you invoke a popup menu containing the item Set manipulator. In addition, there exist points Lock (lock current manipulator - a thing almost useless, the applicable rare, but fun, why - you will see), Copy and Past, allow to copy the current position of the robot arm and move it into another key, if you need accuracy is in this particular manipulator. Reset resets all settings of the current token. Use with caution.

2.5 Spine

Settings back. Allow fine adjustment of the torso, which is extremely useful if your fantasy went on to missionary position from a textbook on human sexuality for the 56th year. As a rule, all the items form a mutually exclusive groups, the greatest effect is achieved by moving the sliders to the maximum distance from each other. Let me explain: Hollow (valley) and the Arched (bend) - two mutually exclusive of the back. Throwing sliders in different directions, it is possible to achieve the maximum bending or flexing the spine. All handles in this category:
Hollow / Arched - bend your back.
Head forward / Head backward - movement of the head forward / backward.
Forward / Backward - move the body vpreed / back.
Bend left / Bend right - diverting the shoulder to the left / right.
Side left / Side right - lean to the left and right.
Twist - first unpaired arm. Allows you to "twist" the body - that is, rotate the pan to one side, and the shoulders - in another. Kosher stuff.
Vertebra 1-5 - parts of the cervical spine to the pelvis. Are not used.

2.6 Face

And here comes the fun part. Here, emotions are generated in a similar way. Interestingly, the overall editor Vill'y good and allows you to attach a variety of models of face displays of affection. List of manipulators with explanations:
Disable emotions - to turn off emotions. Why?
Upper lip / Lower lip - eight settings, allowing to raise / lower edge of the lips.
Mount narrow - narrowing of the lips, pulling them "straw." Polzitelno in many cases.
Mount smile - a smile, lifting his lips over the top.
Mount wide - the expansion of the mouth, lips move over to the side.
Mount sad - "sad", dissatisfied mouth. Lowering the corners of the lips.
Jaw - jawbone. Forward / right / left - move forward / sideways. Open - to open his mouth. The most commonly used manipulator.
Cheeks - strain cheeks.
Squeeze brows - allows you to "move his eyebrows," by adjusting the degree of frown.
Brow - Brow six manipulators. The first two raise / lower the internal parts, the second - the external, and others - are central. Manipulators number one on the transfer of the mood of the model.
Lid Closed - allows lower eyelids.

2.7 Tongue

Language. Yes, it most - our enemy and best friend of our girls. Controllers have the values:
Out - Tongue. It is desirable to do with open mouth
Straighten - pick up the language. Bends the central part of the language.
The next four manipulator can move her tongue up, down, left and right.
This section of the menu is indispensable in the animation kissing and oral sex.

2.8, 2.9 Hand left / right

You can manage your fingers. The first two manipulator - Spread / Close - allow you to either spread out or compress the toes. Thumb 1 is responsible for the slope of the first phalanx of the thumb, Thumb 2 - bending over him. Others are responsible for the index, middle, ring and little fingers, respectively.

2.10 Extra

There is only one arm, which regulates the expansion of the anus. It's no secret that after intense anal sphincter muscles shrink immediately. Here is the creation of this effect are discussed in the section of the menu.
From personal experience - something maloprimenimaya.

2.11 Handcuffs

Handcuffs. To activate them to tick beside the appropriate line.
Contains two pairs of manipulators, copying manipulators section Poses. Allow you to move in space and rotate bracelets, chain stretching herself. Severely stretch is not recommended - it is not dimensionless, and after a certain threshold, it looks not kosher.

3.Panel animation.

Here it is, our field of activity!
To begin with, why do we need eight small buttons on the right. The first four - it switches between clusters of animation, they can use all the available time. The following can play animations, move back and forth in the animation and interactive play position. And now, in fact, go to the window clusters.

Here is a labeled box, and there is your future animation, this is - the line of time, the cluster. Each step corresponds to approximately 0.5 seconds of animation. Any change in the attitude reflected in the timeline of the cluster in the form of so-called "Key" - colored lines. These lines correspond to the models: base - green, 1st partner - red, 2nd - blue. Any changes in posture are immediately displayed on this line. "The Key" - the basic unit of animation, keyframe locking changes in body position between the first model and the subsequent keys. In other words, if you create an animation you do not have to prescribe every shot, if you want to model for 2 seconds lifted his leg, then creating a base key, you simply copy it to the right place (in four divisions from the beginning), pick the model leg and commit to the position. When I play this animation you will see how the model itself raises a leg, and gently and gracefully.

Amenable to basic editing keys: you can copy them as a whole (Copy All Keys), and for each model separately. Keys for each individual model, synchronization is not required if I need to first turned her head once every three seconds, and the other - introduced the term every second, then I make a keychain for the first and second models separately. The main rule: first and last frames of animation should be strictly identical with the last frame should be at a short distance from the right side, the animation plays without jerks. It is also not recommended to put the keys too often except when justified, for example, the animation hardcore penitratsii.
Finally, do not forget that you can copy not only the whole key, but the individual values ​​of the manipulator section Pose and paste them in a row as a key. This is useful, for example, if you want to animate a small cyclically repetitive actions - working language of the hand or finger movement, etc.

Well, seemingly forgotten nothing. This - the first part of the material, the next thing we pass from theory to practice. Any comments and additions are welcome. The article will be supplemented and edited.

15. Where are edited names of rooms ?

Originally Posted by public_enema
@ gorgulya : M8, you sure have your hands full with helping us newbs out. As such, I hate to bother you but since I really can't find the solution myself....

My query was, can we edit the names and descriptions of the default rooms? Is it located within a bsb file that can be decoded and edited with a notepad?
The script where room names are defined is Luder/Common/Rooms.L=EN.[bsb]
You must decompile it using blex command line tool (included in TK17 Command Shell), edit it with wordpad (notepad won't work with files decoded using blex because it doesn't recognize LF linebreaks) and then recompiled again using blex.

16. How I can do Hermafrodite ?

Ok, here's a quick test to cut out strapon balls using AlphaMask texture:

Doesn't look too good, but my photoshop skills are quite limited - maybe someone can do it better. Here are some strapon textures to experiment with:


EDIT: Here I used a combination of both methods (reduced balls size to minimum and nulled-out parts of the texture):

Again, my photoshopping work here is pretty crude, but I believe that someone more skilled with textures then myself can actually make it look quite good.

In order to experiment with this method, you will need to install the extra TXX archive here (just extract the TXX file into your Archives folder):


Nope, only the TXX. Textures go to Mod\ActiveMod folder.

EDIT: Also, here are the test strapon textures I used in my screenshots:


Although they are much to crude to be of any real use, might give you a better idea what needs to be done.


BTW, you can create strapon textures from any Male_*_Genital / Shemale_*_Genital texture by simply creating a copy of the respective texture file under the name F_Strapon001_Dildo

17. How create new model ?

There's probably something very simple that I am missing. How do I access this face that I apparently imported into the game?
it's added as a new character in save/models and you can load it using the 'choose ..' button before to launch one of the mode.

I managed to export

here is a first test I did after some google investigation :
I looked for and tested 2 apps that grab 3d data DURING the execution of a 3d game. openGL or directX.

directx support with texture extraction.
generates .obj/.mtl files from the current game so you can load any content in any descent 3d software
there's also options to link with 3dsmax as a plugin ( extract shaders in 3ds format - not tested as I don't like that app)

also you can check :
first .exe is the reader (but you can check this to read 3dxml contents: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glc-player/)
second .exe is the 3d data grabber
that will generate a 3dxml file (can be viewed in a browser). also work for opengl contents but I was unable to grab the tex with this one. and implies another step to convert from 3dxml format if you use blender. (and the import script is old and buggy, but maybe in collada... anyway 3dripper looks better)

another step would be armatures and vertexgroups, if someone has some pointers

below is a (relative) quick test. my chick in my blender 2.59 hehehe (just a bug with the eyes I think, and you need to rescale a bit [ see 3dripper doc ])

18. How create new hair ?

Now it's not possible but Here little info

19. What are known bugs ?


20. What if I delete model ?

Go into your save/models folder. You will see the models you deleted in game are still there, they just have "deleted" added to the end of the file name. Delete them from the folder. Remember to save them somewhere else if you might want them in the future!

21. How decode and encode bsb files ?

To decode/encode files one-by-one

First change to directory where the files are located:

cd /d "dir"

To decompile a BSB file:

blex -d "SomeFile.[bsb]" -o "SomeFile.bs"

To compile a BS file:

blex -e "SomeFile.bs" -o "SomeFile.[bsb]"

To mass-decode all BSB files in a directory and all subdirectories

for /r "dir" %I in ("*.[bsb]") do blex -d "%~I" -o "%~dpnI.bs"

To mass-encode all BS files in a directory and all subdirectories

for /r "dir" %I in ("*.bs") do blex -e "%~I" -o "%~dpnI.[bsb]"

22. Where are all the names of the clothes ?
It's already there: GAMEDIR\Binaries\tk17sh\modfile.db

23. How play no tags ?

Hi Gorgy - I can't find "no tags" mode, either...where is this found?!

Originally Posted by puma7
C:\Program Files\Team K17\Binaries\tk17sh\doc
i don't have ;x
only 'play'
You can type play /? to see all available options of the launcher. play command is technically just an alias for the launcher executable.

24. What do TK17 PesEd GUI ?

Manipulating custom poses (e.g. removing/swapping characters, changing display name etc.)

25. I should import MegaContent ?

I dunno. I personally am not too keen on the content importer...It has frozen up on me on numerous occasions (not its fault, just my lousy computer's fault).
It doesn't freeze - but if you have a very big content collection, dupe checking may take some time on slower PCs. If you disable dupe checking on the options page, it will run much faster (at the expense of risking to import duplicate content)

It is preferable to use the Importer rather then copying content manually because the importer checks and fixes some known issues and knows how to convert some legacy mods not compatible with current version.

26. How change Voice set ? : )

It's not possible now but talk here ; ]
Originally Posted by Techne
Is there anyway to change that, so in the sequences all characters have their full voice. It would be fun to get an actual conversation going, as limited as it may be.

Hummm... I think it might be possible, but it would be quite annoying doing it. My hunch is this: copy the basic files and paste them in the minimum. And then, search for the correspondent [bsb] files. Then, copy the content of AcVoice***.Set=Basic.L=**.[bsb] and paste it in AcVoice***.Set=Minimum.L=**.[bsb], making the appropriate changes (where it's written basic you change it for minimum, so forth and so on), do the same thing to the VC ones (VcVoice***.Set=Basic.L=**.[bsb] and VcVoice***.Set=Minimum.L=**.[bsb]) I think that might work, but it might take several trial and error attempts to work properly. For example, I'll post the first lines of some [bsb] files:

//BS ??? (bsbver = 6)
// AcVoice003.Set=Basic.L=EN.bs
// converted from: AcVoice003.Set=Basic.L=EN.[bsb] (BSB v6, encrypted)
// created by: BSB Tool 2010 (v2.1.0)
AppModel. {
.ComponentArray [ AppImportSound. {
.NodeName "Person" + : person + ":Model01:Voice_aaah_01";
.SoundFile "Shared/Voice/ID=003.Set=Basic.L=EN/aaah_01";
.ParentPath "/Person" + : person + "Anim/Model01:tongue_joint01";
.MixerFlags "SC3D";
.Category "Person" + : person + "Voice";

//BS ??? (bsbver = 6)
// AcVoice003.Set=Minimal.L=EN.bs
// converted from: AcVoice003.Set=Minimal.L=EN.[bsb] (BSB v6, encrypted)
// created by: BSB Tool 2010 (v2.1.0)
AppModel. {
.ComponentArray [ AppImportSound. {
.NodeName "Person" + : person + ":Model01:Voice_foreplay_01";
.SoundFile "Shared/Voice/ID=003.Set=Minimal.L=EN/foreplay_01";
.ParentPath "/Person" + : person + "Anim/Model01:tongue_joint01";
.MixerFlags "SC3D";
.Category "Person" + : person + "Voice";
//BS ??? (bsbver = 6)
// VcVoice003.Set=Basic.L=EN.bs
// converted from: VcVoice003.Set=Basic.L=EN.[bsb] (BSB v6, encrypted)
// created by: BSB Tool 2010 (v2.1.0)
include "Scripts/Shared/Voice/VcVoiceFilter.bs";
include "Scripts/Shared/Voice/VcVoiceExpression.bs";
if ( defined ( : :F00 :Voice_EnglishFemale01 ) && ! defined ( : :F00 :Voice_EnglishFemale01_Full ) ) {
include "Scripts/Shared/Voice/VcVoice003.Set=Minimal.L=EN.bs";
if ( defined ( : :F00 :Voice_EnglishFemale01 ) && defined ( : :F00 :Voice_EnglishFemale01_Full ) ) {
VcTalk :talk0001a. {
.TalkTypeID 0i;
.Filter :Filter_Moan_None;
.Text "mm";
.Sound "Voice_mmm_03";
.ExpressionArray [ :Excited03_Expression, :EyesClosed_Expression ];
//BS ??? (bsbver = 6)
// VcVoice003.Set=Minimal.L=EN.bs
// converted from: VcVoice003.Set=Minimal.L=EN.[bsb] (BSB v6, encrypted)
// created by: BSB Tool 2010 (v2.1.0)
include "Scripts/Shared/Voice/VcVoiceFilter.bs";
include "Scripts/Shared/Voice/VcVoiceExpression.bs";
VcTalk :talk0000none. {
.TalkTypeID 0i;
.Filter :Filter_Moan_None;
.Text "aaah";
.Sound "Voice_penetration_03";
.ExpressionArray [ :Happy_Expression, :EyesClosed_Expression ];

Well, you get the idea. I would also take a look at VcVoiceFilter.[bsb], VcVoiceExpression.[bsb], VcVoiceSets.[bsb] and VoiceController.[bhb], just in case I miss something.

I haven't tried this, so I can't tell you it will work.

27. How import .tgc.imported. files ? : )

It's not possible now..
Originally Posted by johny2314jj
I have legit access to The game erotica community, i have downloaded models but the extention is .tgc.imported. How do i Get the Klub (6.2) to open them?!?!

TK17 cannot import the .tgc.imported files from SV2 because those files are still encrypted. You can however import the extracted content from Community\Customizer, Community\PoseEdit or Community\Sequencer folders either using the Content Importer or by manually copying files (using Content Importer is the preferred method).

28. What is default resolution for skins textures ? : )


29. How work sequencer ?


30. How edit toys ?

A fine tool for editing toys is provided with the TK17 distribution files.
It's called ubc.exe. Open the TK17 Shell and type 'man ubc' (without the quotes) for a brief listing of commands you can use.

Please report any error messages while using it, TES file support is minimal at the moment but if you post the messages you see on screen it will be fixed in the next version of the game.

31. ENB series work under v6.3 ?

Copy files to binaries and general folder

32. Where is zatsumi support ?

Уважаемые пользователи!
Прежде, чем задавать вопросы, ознакомьтесь с темами нашего форума, касательно игры 3D SexVilla.
Возможно на ваши вопросы, уже есть ответы!

Official thread for THE KLUB 17 V6.1 by TEAM K17

3D SexViila - Модели и Моделирование., Создание и обмен Моделями.

3D SexViila - Позы (Создание и обучение), Учимся делать, меняемся своими.

3D SexViila - Текстуры (Создание, изменение), Обмен опытом, текстурами и готовыми костюмами.

Content For 3DSV And The Klub 17 (SiteRip)10,5 GB, + Rooms, Outfits & Skins Pack

FaceGen: Klub17 plus, 2 models uploaded

33. Any Ideas for hairstyles ?


34. Where is Ultimate Content ?


35. Where is FAQ for shortcuts ?


Ctrl + P = Screenshot
Ctrl +Shift +P = Highres screenshot
Ctrl + Alt + P = make screenshot on green background

Ctrl + R = Record Video
Ctrl + Alt + G = Disable/Enable GUI
Ctrl + Alt + M = Disable/Enable mouse cursor

Ctrl+Shift+R = Toggle room visibility
Ctrl+Shift+M = Toggle the customizer visibility

Moving Poses:

Ctrl+"Arrows" = Rotate the pose in different axes
Alt+"Arrows" = Move the pose around depending on the camera's angle
Alt+Pgup/pgdwn = Change the pose's height

All above combined with "Shift" will change the precision to be more fine

Camera Controls:

Left/Right = A/D
Up/Down = E/C
Forwd/Backwd = W/S
R/Home = Reset camera to default position
Shift = Faster movement

Esc = Quit the current active mode
Back = Back to previous screen

Light Controls:

L/Shift + L = Rotate the light around a vertical axis
Ctrl + L/
Ctrl+Shift+L = Rotate the light around a horizontal axis

In Game:

F1 = Switch to quickbar icon 1
F2 = Switch to quickbar icon 2
F3 = Switch to quickbar icon 3
F4 = Switch to quickbar icon 4

1 = Activate quickbar icon 1
2 = Activate quickbar icon 2
And so on, up to.....
8 = Activate quickbar icon 8

Ctrl + 1 = Activate mode 1 (me)
Ctrl + 2 = Activate model 2 (mate)

Space = Browser
Tab = Swich between An/Va if possible


Shift+Drag = To copy/paste

Ctrl+Shift+B = To freeze the whole scene in ending mode to make a screenshot

To implement you characters details in the dialog:


= XX is either 01/02/03

01 = Myself
02 = SM
03 = 3 SM

in Pose Editor:

Ctrl + N = Create a new Pose
Ctrl + S = Save Pose
Ctrl + O = Open Pose
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + Shift +Z = Redo

Tab = Show/Hide Pick-boxes
Alt ? Lmb = Activate Manipulator on picked part
W = Set manipulater to translation mode if available
E = Set manipulator to rotation mode if available
Q = Hide manipulator
F = Set cameras "look-at" point to current manipulation position
+/-/* = Increase/Decrease/Reset size of manipulator
K = Toggle automatic keying
Shift + K = Toggle key editing
Shift + C = Key pose camera from current view
S = Manually set keys at current frame
. = Jump to next key in timeline
, = Jump to previous key in timeline
Home = Jump to start of current timeline part
End = Jump to end of current timeline part
Alt + 1/2/3/4 = Switch to timeline part 1,2,3 or 4
Space = Start/Stop animation preview
Shift + F = Set eye's "Look-at" point to current camera position
C = Toggle character colission

36. How edit tattoo ?


37. What is the control ?


38. Where are voicesets ?

Well, as chuck said, it won't be a breeze. Here's how I do it:

1st, make a temporary folder, say "Work" in the D drive, so the full path is "D:\Work"

2nd, go to the "Archive" folder of the game and copy all TXX files there which have the word "Voice" in their names to the "Work" folder created earlier

3rd, go to the "Binaries" folder and copy "Txx_Tools.exe" to the "Work" folder

4th, open up the command line, the easiest is to open the "Run Program" dialog and type "cmd" and click "OK"

5th, from the command line, go to the "Work" folder. Once there type this in the prompt and hit enter.

39. How add new language ?

Phase #1: Unpacking
Make a folder somewhere in your HDD, let's call it "Work"
Go to the game's Archive folder, copy all the TXX files there to the Work folder. You can leave out the one with "Audio" in the name
Go to the "Binaries\tk17sh" folder, copy "txx_tools.exe" to the work folder.
Go to the Work folder by command shell, type in
txx_tools -x -r -o *.txx
wait a while for it to finish
There will be a "TxxRoot" sub folder in Work.

Phase #2: Decoding and Make the edits
I'm assuming you only want to translate the game, so the steps focus on the language files only.
Make another subfolder under "Work" named "Patch"
Browse to the Scripts subfolder of TxxRoot and find all the files with ".L=EN.[bsb]". Copy them to "Patch", preserving the path. For example, you find "TxxRoot\Scripts\Dress\DcDress.L=EN.[bsb]" for dress names, copy it to "Patch\Scripts\Dress\DcDress.L=EN.[bsb]"
Unpack bsbtool210 somewhere and run "BSBTool.exe". Pick "Binary Script Decoder" from the left, and specify "Work\Patch" in the "Folder", also pick "Include Subfolders" in bottom right.
Click "Decode" and wait until finished
Check the Patch subfolder. All the "*.[bsb]" files will have the corresponding "*.bs" file. You can read and edit the bs files with notepad.
Save any changes you make to the bs files.

Phase #3: Encoding and repacking
Back to BSBTools, now instead choose "Binary Script Encoder". Put "Work\Patch" in folder, and tick "Include Subfolders" like before
Click "Encode" and wait until finished
Back to the command prompt, type this
txx_tools -b -k 1 Patch 0LangPatch.Something.txx
wait until finished
Note: you can rename "0LangPatch.Something.txx" to anything else, but it must be listed in Explorer BEFORE anything else in the Archive folder.

Phase #4: Testing
copy "0LangPatch.Polish.txx" to the game's Archive folder
Test the game

Originally Posted by jarhead70
Actually, it goes like this. The file CCPersonality.bs (if I'm remember the name correctly) controls the all the controls for the personality tab of the customizer. In it, you'll find a list of variables, like your "ServantF" example along with many other. These variables are then mapped to the text you see in game in the characteristics*.bs files.

You have to remember that the game originally support multi language. This approach was taken so that language can be switched easily. Change the language to German? Easy, just read the *L=DE.bs and all the text in game are automatically changed to German.

So, to add an occupation, just add a variable name in the CCPersonality.cc, for example "NewOccupation". Now, to support a different title according to gender, like "Actor" and "Actress", suffix the new variable name with "F" for female, and "M" for males, like "NewOccupationF" and "NewOccupationM". Put it in the corresponding list (if I'm not mistaken, there's a separate list for each gender).

Then, at the bottom of the *L=EN.bs file, map the variable to the actual text, like
var :NewOccupationF "Female Title"
var :NewOccupationM "Male Title"
Encode the edited files back to BSB, pack it to TXX, put it in archive so it is read BEFORE everything else, and test the game.

About the voiceset, I haven't ventured much in that area. Are you sure you have edit the bs files so they account for the new set? The customization controls uses ID's to gather up the options they display. Have you check that you use the proper ID? Are you sure the ID is not in conflict with others?

If you have, then maybe the TXX loading sequence is the culprit. Overriding in SV engine is backward, which the files read 1st overrides the next file, not the other way around. When in doubt, do a "dir" command from the command line and see how the files are listed. The files listed at the top will override the bottom.

Hope that helps anyone

40. Where I can find net of the model ?


41. How to use Command Shell ?


42. Why don't work my clothes & textures?

Personally I prefer segregate textures.
causes it size of the texture
causes it file png without .txf the file
This will limit exceeded

43. How to create tattoo ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z52502zkAV4 + add .txf file and inside "RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend"
Example: Folder TattooAnimal -> Tattoo_Misc007.png & Tattoo_Misc007.txf

44. Where is wiki support ?

45. Where is SexVilla Mod Version ?


46. How to make transparent mods?


47. Why I have error at start?
Quote: Originally Posted by venom777 Hi everyone, for no reason the every time I start the game, it keeps on sending an "error" and the game crashes on start up. Removed TK17, uninstalled WR BM, re install it and the game keeps on crashing on start up......... any ideas for a solution?
It´s driving me nuts What I advise is to do the following: actions: 1. Empty the trash. 2. In My Computer / Right clika on drive C: \ Properties> Tools> Error Checking> Check Now ...> Automatically fix .. etc.. clika on Start and restart the system. Download and install the following tools: 1. Defraggler Defraggler see your manual 2. See your manual on the download page spoils. 3. Advanced SystemCare 5 and do the following: 1. Use the ccleaner to clean the system, first with the option of cleaning windows - programs, and then with the logging option (you have backup when prompted). 2. Optimize your system with Advanced SystemCare 3 3. Defragment with Defraggler (Use it if you already have Diskeeper) After your system clean of malware: with malwarebytes and sent to quarantine or delete what you find and review for viruses with antivirus you have.

48. where is the tutorial for creating clothes?http://help.thrixxx.com/doku.php?id=en:texture_mod_tutorial