The Throne Room. The middle ages was a deviation from the path, an era of increased barbarian invasion by Visigoths, Saxons, Franks, and Vandals, a time where barbarian kings used swords, a wizards sorcery, and sex to rule. Check out the Romanesque baronial palace where you can consolidate your power using the codes of chivalry and courtly love to warrant the proper behavior from princesses to peasant subjects.
Medieval Outfits. Screw the sumptuary laws, the new Roman and Greek influenced outfits are fit for Knights and Noble ladies. Made of gold, and silk for dignified warfare or melee style combat, or for other more turbulent pleasures, this isn't the stuff of your typical fairytales. The new outfits display all the elegance, form and sensuality of a fashion period of dominion and domination.
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Minor FixesSequencer: Multiselect drag & drop + delete feature
Cross in the library fixed
Minor Fixes 2010-08-11new chair location in "The Throne Room"
icons fixed
Medieval Outfit for shemales fixed
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